Monday, January 14, 2008

Meeting notes

Met with the entire Banner team today to give an overview of the system. Many changes need to be made.

1.) Add a means to copy another person's access permissions to a new user. Will save entering all the classes/forms when you know of a user who you can just copy.
2.) Add a means to set the campus for the request.
3.) What happens when there are multiple campuses, each requiring different access? Separate requests?
4.) Need a means to consolidate all approver/bacu reminders into a single daily email. Must provide means to indicate a request is urgent and should be handled individually rather than batched.
5.) Add means for BACU staff to enter back door modifications. They get termination reports and immediately go in and close off those person's access. Need means for them to indicate that in the system.
6.) Approvers need a mechanism to modify a request. Apparently they do this regularly.
7.) Need to re-think how the process works regarding an Approver changing their approval/denial.

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